Strohm adds CO2 transfer to its latest product portfolio update

Strohm, the world’s first and leading thermoplastic composite pipe (TCP) company, has successfully qualified its first product based on carbon fibre and advanced PVDF polymer. The result of years of development and testing, this breakthrough marks the latest evolution in Strohm’s growth and development journey, raising the bar for pipeline design and performance.

By combining polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), a high-performance polymer, with carbon fibre, the company is now in a position to offer jumpers and flowlines for use in harsh environment carbon capture and storage (CCS) applications. With the addition this new PVDF product, Strohm has now completed its materials portfolio for CCS, meaning it can call on the optimum material for each specific project.

As a totally corrosion-free solution, with a 30-year design life and a proven smaller carbon footprint compared to steel, it is highly suitable for injecting CO2 offshore, both in depleted gas fields and aquifers. With a long track-record in oil and gas, PVDF is renowned for having a very high chemical resistance and higher temperature capability.

It is also unique in that it is the only material of its kind strong enough to be able to handle the high temperatures and high pressures associated with ultra-deepwater hydrocarbon production and provides a high level of natural insulation. Besides its potential for high CO2 content transfer in CCS applications, Strohm’s new TCP product has the potential to be a gamechanger for the deepwater flowline and riser market in the offshore energy industry. It also concludes an important step in developing and qualifying TCP Risers for use in challenging ultra-deepwater environments.

Martin van Onna, Strohm CEO, said: “This is a hugely momentous breakthrough for the company, one that has been a long time coming. It has taken us more than 15 years, a lot of hard work and a huge amount of testing to get to a place where we are now able to offer a TCP product based on carbon fibre and PVDF, and I would like to personally thank all of those who have helped to make this ambition a reality.

“One of our central pillars at Strohm is our drive to introduce disruptive technologies to the market, thereby doing our bit to help the transition move forward at pace -this is a clear-cut example of that ambition bearing fruit. There is a big future for this innovative solution, both in CCS and in conventional offshore energy, and we look forward to working with companies to help them realise the value that TCP can bring to their projects.”


About Strohm

Leading composite pipe technology company Strohm has the world’s largest track-record for Thermoplastic Composite Pipe (TCP) after being the first to bring the technology to the conventional energy industry in 2007. TCP reduces total installed and life cycle cost for subsea flowlines, jumpers and risers and has proven to reduce the CO2 footprint of pipeline infrastructures by more than 50%.  

The company is committed to driving sustainability with its range of TCP solutions which enable clients towards their net-zero carbon emissions targets and supports the renewables sector.   

TCP is a strong, non-corrosive, spoolable, lightweight technology which is delivered in long lengths, resulting in a significant reduction of transportation and installation costs. TCP is installed using small vessels or subsea pallets, significantly reducing CO2 emissions. It is also 100% recyclable.   

Strohm’s shareholders include Senco Hydrogen Capital, Chevron Technology Ventures, Evonik Venture Capital, Shell Ventures, HydrogenOne Capital Growth, and ING Corporate Investments (a 100% subsidiary of ING Bank N.V.). The firm’s manufacturing facility is located at its headquarters in IJmuiden in The Netherlands. Strohm also has offices in Houston (US) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Visit the Strohm website here  

Issued on behalf of Strohm by BIG Partnership.

Felix Clarke

Partnership Director - Cloudbase Partners

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